Conquest Wadrhun Matriarch Queen Para Bellum Wargames W’adrhŭn PBW7513

Alle Preise inkl. MwSt.
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  • Hersteller: Para Bellum Wargames
  • Artikelnummer: PBW7513
  • EAN-Nummer: 5213009012560
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • A young race like the W’adrhÅ­n would naturally prize life giving females above all roles in its society. So, what does it say of those females who eschew these roles and chose, rather, to follow the example of their living goddess, becoming peerless warriors and leaders? Simply that they have earned every ounce of respect from their warriors and every iota of fear from their enemies through sheer talent and application


  • Conquest Wadrhun Matriarch Queen (1 Miniatur inkl. Base Stand und iCard)
  • (Resin Miniatures Kit)

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.

Aktualisiert am 22. April 2024 16:38



  • Hersteller: Para Bellum Wargames
  • Artikelnummer: PBW7513
  • EAN-Nummer: 5213009012560
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • A young race like the W’adrhÅ­n would naturally prize life giving females above all roles in its society. So, what does it say of those females who eschew these roles and chose, rather, to follow the example of their living goddess, becoming peerless warriors and leaders? Simply that they have earned every ounce of respect from their warriors and every iota of fear from their enemies through sheer talent and application


  • Conquest Wadrhun Matriarch Queen (1 Miniatur inkl. Base Stand und iCard)
  • (Resin Miniatures Kit)

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.


Preisverlauf für Conquest Wadrhun Matriarch Queen Para Bellum Wargames W’adrhÅ­n PBW7513


Aktueller Preis 23,90€ 22. April 2024
Höchster Preis 23,90€ 12. Februar 2024
Niedrigster Preis 23,90€ 12. Februar 2024
Seit 12. Februar 2024

Letzte Preisänderung

23,90€ 12. Februar 2024

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Preisalarm für Conquest Wadrhun Matriarch Queen Para Bellum Wargames W’adrhÅ­n PBW7513 - 23,90€


Para Bellum Wargames
