Conquest Dweghom Initiates Dual Kit Para Bellum Wargames PBW3310 Dwarfs

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  • Hersteller: Para Bellum Wargames
  • Artikelnummer:  PBW3310
  • EAN-Nummer: 5213009013369
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • All Dweghom honor the Deukhorro, the Descent of their Ancestors into the fiery core of War’s prison. None take it as far as the Ardent who actively re-enact it. Initiates are those prospective members of the Ardent Creed who band together to take part in battles to gain some experience before exposing themselves to the real danger of the Deukhorro. Be they shield-bearing warriors or ballistae specialists, when one encounters unranked Hold Warriors, he will mostly be facing hardened veterans who have devoted their life to military service. The small percentage who are not lifelong servicemen, however, trade battlefield experience for ambition and ruthlessness, making them just as dangerous on the field of battle.


  • Conquest Dweghom Wardens Dual Kit (12 Miniaturen inkl. Bases, 3 Infantry Stands und 2 iCards)
  • The content in the box can produce 12 Initiates, or 12 Wardens, with the option of making their respective command models.
  • (Plastic Miniatures Kit)

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.

Aktualisiert am 22. April 2024 18:56



  • Hersteller: Para Bellum Wargames
  • Artikelnummer:  PBW3310
  • EAN-Nummer: 5213009013369
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • All Dweghom honor the Deukhorro, the Descent of their Ancestors into the fiery core of War’s prison. None take it as far as the Ardent who actively re-enact it. Initiates are those prospective members of the Ardent Creed who band together to take part in battles to gain some experience before exposing themselves to the real danger of the Deukhorro. Be they shield-bearing warriors or ballistae specialists, when one encounters unranked Hold Warriors, he will mostly be facing hardened veterans who have devoted their life to military service. The small percentage who are not lifelong servicemen, however, trade battlefield experience for ambition and ruthlessness, making them just as dangerous on the field of battle.


  • Conquest Dweghom Wardens Dual Kit (12 Miniaturen inkl. Bases, 3 Infantry Stands und 2 iCards)
  • The content in the box can produce 12 Initiates, or 12 Wardens, with the option of making their respective command models.
  • (Plastic Miniatures Kit)

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.


Preisverlauf für Conquest Dweghom Initiates Dual Kit Para Bellum Wargames PBW3310 Dwarfs


Aktueller Preis 37,75€ 22. April 2024
Höchster Preis 37,75€ 27. November 2023
Niedrigster Preis 37,75€ 27. November 2023
Seit 27. November 2023

Letzte Preisänderung

37,75€ 27. November 2023

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Para Bellum Wargames
