Codex Grey Knights engl.

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Inside this book, you’ll find: The clandestine legacy of the Grey Knights including their myth-shrouded founding classified operations throughout the history Guide to the unorthodox organisation and heraldry A Grey Knights bestiary with background details for every unit and Character featured A showcase of painted miniatures Rules for units that are available to the armies of the Grey Knights Stratagems Relics Secondary objectives A Crusade section providing Agendas Crusade Relics Battle Traits Requisitions Psychic Fortitudes Honoured Titles, unique Daemonic Nemesis rules

Aktualisiert am 9. April 2024 23:43


Inside this book, you’ll find: The clandestine legacy of the Grey Knights including their myth-shrouded founding classified operations throughout the history Guide to the unorthodox organisation and heraldry A Grey Knights bestiary with background details for every unit and Character featured A showcase of painted miniatures Rules for units that are available to the armies of the Grey Knights Stratagems Relics Secondary objectives A Crusade section providing Agendas Crusade Relics Battle Traits Requisitions Psychic Fortitudes Honoured Titles, unique Daemonic Nemesis rules


Preisverlauf für Codex: Grey Knights 2021


Aktueller Preis 42,50€ 9. April 2024
Höchster Preis 42,50€ 12. Dezember 2023
Niedrigster Preis 42,50€ 12. Dezember 2023
Seit 12. Dezember 2023

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42,50€ 12. Dezember 2023

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Games Workshop
