Frostgrave: Wizard Eye: The Art of Frostgrave engl.

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Even before the original Frostgrave rulebook landed in players‘ hands, its artwork, previewed in the run-up to release, attracted widespread attention and acclaim. Today, some eight volumes, two novels, and multiple boxed sets of plastic miniatures later, Dmitry and Kate Burmak have produced more than 85 illustrations, guided by the concepts developed by Frostgrave creator Joseph A. McCullough. Together, these three have breathed life into the Frozen City, depicting the wizards, warriors, and creatures that call it home. With behind-the-scenes content, including concepts, sketches, work-in-progress shots, and commentary from the creators, this lavish volume features all the artwork produced for Frostgrave – from the rulebook that started it all to the Perilous Dark Supplement.

Aktualisiert am 24. April 2024 7:45


Even before the original Frostgrave rulebook landed in players‘ hands, its artwork, previewed in the run-up to release, attracted widespread attention and acclaim. Today, some eight volumes, two novels, and multiple boxed sets of plastic miniatures later, Dmitry and Kate Burmak have produced more than 85 illustrations, guided by the concepts developed by Frostgrave creator Joseph A. McCullough. Together, these three have breathed life into the Frozen City, depicting the wizards, warriors, and creatures that call it home. With behind-the-scenes content, including concepts, sketches, work-in-progress shots, and commentary from the creators, this lavish volume features all the artwork produced for Frostgrave – from the rulebook that started it all to the Perilous Dark Supplement.


Preisverlauf für Frostgrave: Wizard Eye: The Art of Frostgrave engl.


Aktueller Preis 31,60€ 24. April 2024
Höchster Preis 31,60€ 14. November 2023
Niedrigster Preis 31,60€ 14. November 2023
Seit 14. November 2023

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31,60€ 14. November 2023

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