Getting Started With Warhammer Age of Sigmar (Englisch)

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a tabletop strategy game of fantasy warfare. Whether you command the valiant Stormcast Eternals, the wicked Kruleboyz Orruks, or one of the many other factions fighting for dominance of the Mortal Realms, your battles in the realms promise to be action-packed. Collect your army, build and paint the models, then match wits with opponents to see who’s the better general. This magazine will help you learn everything you need to know to explore the dangerous and exhilarating world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar . Your adventure starts here! Inside this 112-page magazine, you’ll find information on the war-torn setting of Warhammer Age of Sigmar , where four Grand Alliances vie for control over the eight Mortal Realms. You’ll learn about every aspect of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar hobby, from collecting armies of stunning Citadel miniatures, painting them in the colours of your choice, and leading them into battle in a thrilling tabletop wargame. This magazine also includes the following multipart plastic miniatures: – 1x Stormcast Eternals Vindictor (supplied with a 40mm round base) – 1x Orruk Warclans Gutrippa (supplied with a 32mm round base) Both models are designed to be pushed off their frames, and they fit together without the need for glue, so can be assembled within minutes. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.   

Aktualisiert am 20. April 2024 8:02
Kategorie: Schlagwort:


Für den absoluten Anfänger gibt es keinen besseren Leitfaden für den Einstieg in Warhammer Age of Sigmar als dieses Magazin. Es beleuchtet Schritt für Schritt die verschiedenen Aspekten des Warhammer-Hobbys – komplett mit zwei kostenlosen Miniaturen, 1 Stormcast Vindictor und 1 Orruk Wanstreißa. Das Magazin wird dir all die Inspiration und Motivation liefern, die du braucht, um mit der Eroberung der Sterblichen Reiche zu beginnen.


Preisverlauf für Getting Started with Age of Sigmar


Aktueller Preis 12,00€ 20. April 2024
Höchster Preis 12,00€ 6. April 2024
Niedrigster Preis 12,00€ 6. April 2024
Seit 6. April 2024

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12,00€ 6. April 2024

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