Infernals Eilish Garrity The Dark Seeker Solo Warmachine PIP38018

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  • Hersteller: Privateer Press
  • Artikelnummer: PIP38018
  • EAN-Nummer: 875582025167
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Infernals Eilish Garrity The Dark Seeker Solo
  • Nowhere is the potential scope of infernal corruption more evident than with Eilish Garrity, the once affable arcanist of the Black River Irregular mercenaries. Eilish still sees in the mirror the man he once was. When speaking to outsiders, his charm can return, allowing him to present a smiling face to those who, moments later, are overwhelmed by his magic and offered to his infernal masters. He is addicted to power, with a thirst for hidden knowledge that has taken him down a path to disgrace and degradation. He greedily accepted the forbidden lore that was offered him and, in doing so, damned himself beyond redemption.


  • Infernals Eilish Garrity The Dark Seeker Solo (1 Miniatur)

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.

Aktualisiert am 23. April 2024 22:44



  • Hersteller: Privateer Press
  • Artikelnummer: PIP38018
  • EAN-Nummer: 875582025167
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Infernals Eilish Garrity The Dark Seeker Solo
  • Nowhere is the potential scope of infernal corruption more evident than with Eilish Garrity, the once affable arcanist of the Black River Irregular mercenaries. Eilish still sees in the mirror the man he once was. When speaking to outsiders, his charm can return, allowing him to present a smiling face to those who, moments later, are overwhelmed by his magic and offered to his infernal masters. He is addicted to power, with a thirst for hidden knowledge that has taken him down a path to disgrace and degradation. He greedily accepted the forbidden lore that was offered him and, in doing so, damned himself beyond redemption.


  • Infernals Eilish Garrity The Dark Seeker Solo (1 Miniatur)

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.


Preisverlauf für Infernals Eilish Garrity The Dark Seeker Solo Warmachine PIP38018


Aktueller Preis 18,50€ 23. April 2024
Höchster Preis 18,50€ 19. März 2024
Niedrigster Preis 18,50€ 19. März 2024
Seit 19. März 2024

Letzte Preisänderung

18,50€ 19. März 2024

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Privateer Press
