KoW Halfling General on Winged Aralez Kings of War Mantic Games MGKWHF201

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  • Hersteller: Mantic Games
  • Artikelnummer: MGKWHF201
  • EAN-Nummer: 5060924980029
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Like all armies, the halflings have some commanders, champions and individuals that play unique and crucial roles in keeping the army organised, outwitting the enemy, or just throwing in a lethal surprise.
  • Sergeants, Constables, Muster Captains and Generals form the main command structures when the halflings march to war. While the goal of halfling leaders is to defend and protect, avoiding conflict where possible, it is the duty of these same leaders to bring the full force of halfling savagery to the enemy if pushed too far. Once the army engages, keeping the halfling battle lines under control in the face of their anger and desire for relentless revenge can be a daunting and sometimes hopeless task.
  • Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.


  • KoW Halfling General on Winged Aralez contains:
  • 1x resin Halfling General on Winged Aralez
  • Base

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.

Aktualisiert am 22. April 2024 13:18
Kategorie: Schlagwort:



  • Hersteller: Mantic Games
  • Artikelnummer: MGKWHF201
  • EAN-Nummer: 5060924980029
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Like all armies, the halflings have some commanders, champions and individuals that play unique and crucial roles in keeping the army organised, outwitting the enemy, or just throwing in a lethal surprise.
  • Sergeants, Constables, Muster Captains and Generals form the main command structures when the halflings march to war. While the goal of halfling leaders is to defend and protect, avoiding conflict where possible, it is the duty of these same leaders to bring the full force of halfling savagery to the enemy if pushed too far. Once the army engages, keeping the halfling battle lines under control in the face of their anger and desire for relentless revenge can be a daunting and sometimes hopeless task.
  • Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.


  • KoW Halfling General on Winged Aralez contains:
  • 1x resin Halfling General on Winged Aralez
  • Base

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.


Preisverlauf für KoW Halfling General on Winged Aralez Kings of War Mantic Games MGKWHF201


Aktueller Preis 25,00€ 22. April 2024
Höchster Preis 25,00€ 20. November 2023
Niedrigster Preis 22,50€ 4. Dezember 2023
Seit 20. November 2023

Letzte Preisänderung

25,00€ 11. Dezember 2023
22,50€ 4. Dezember 2023
25,00€ 20. November 2023

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Preisalarm für KoW Halfling General on Winged Aralez Kings of War Mantic Games MGKWHF201 - 25,00€


Mantic Games
