Mercenary Steelhead Mortar Crew Weapon Unit Warmachine PIP41155 Mercs Cannon

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  • Hersteller: Privateer Press
  • Artikelnummer: PIP41155
  • EAN-Nummer: 875582024276
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Each piece of artillery employed by the Steelheads has a distinct role, directed by veteran gunners to exploit that artillery’s strengths. Mortars fire in high soaring arcs, directing explosive payloads onto the heads of distant targets, even those otherwise shielded from direct fire by intervening walls or warjacks. While such firing arcs make it difficult to aim with pinpoint accuracy, the size and impact of mortar blasts makes up for this. Mortar fire obliterates infantry and leaves the ground pocked with craters.


  • Mercenary Steelhead Mortar Crew Weapon Unit (3 Miniaturen)

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.

Aktualisiert am 23. April 2024 22:34



  • Hersteller: Privateer Press
  • Artikelnummer: PIP41155
  • EAN-Nummer: 875582024276
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Each piece of artillery employed by the Steelheads has a distinct role, directed by veteran gunners to exploit that artillery’s strengths. Mortars fire in high soaring arcs, directing explosive payloads onto the heads of distant targets, even those otherwise shielded from direct fire by intervening walls or warjacks. While such firing arcs make it difficult to aim with pinpoint accuracy, the size and impact of mortar blasts makes up for this. Mortar fire obliterates infantry and leaves the ground pocked with craters.


  • Mercenary Steelhead Mortar Crew Weapon Unit (3 Miniaturen)

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.


Preisverlauf für Mercenary Steelhead Mortar Crew Weapon Unit Warmachine PIP41155 Mercs Cannon


Aktueller Preis 25,90€ 23. April 2024
Höchster Preis 34,50€ 21. Dezember 2023
Niedrigster Preis 25,90€ 2. Januar 2024
Seit 21. Dezember 2023

Letzte Preisänderung

25,90€ 2. Januar 2024
34,50€ 21. Dezember 2023

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Preisalarm für Mercenary Steelhead Mortar Crew Weapon Unit Warmachine PIP41155 Mercs Cannon - 25,90€


Privateer Press
