Riot Quest The Living Covenant Hero Expansion Privateer Press PIP 63065

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  • Hersteller: Privateer Press
  • Artikelnummer: PIP63065
  • EAN-Nummer: 8755820279182
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Riot Quest The Living Covenant Hero Expansion
  • The ancient scripture known as the Covenant of Menoth was a holy relic revered by those who worshipped the Creator of Man. In battles of old, an attendant would carry the massive tome on their back while a high priest read passages from the book, unleashing devastating miracles upon their foes.
  • When the world went to heck, the Covenant was nearly destroyed. Its pages were burning, and it would have been reduced to ash had it not been for the quick thinking of the attendant carrying the book on his back. That clever servant scoured the sheets in haste and found a passage forbidden to be read aloud except under the direst of circumstances.
  • As the passage was spoken, a miracle of soul binding occurred, and the servant was made one with the book. His spirit and vitality restored the burnt pages while also eternally tying his fate to the Covenant. Now, as the reborn Living Covenant, the holy words of Menoth are made manifest through sentient will. Loot gathered by this new entity is deposited in the coffers of old temple ruins. In time, the glory of Menoth will be restored by the Covenant’s hand, and even the sad scavengers of the wastelands will learn to kneel and pray once again.
  • The Living Covenant is a Specialist Hero with some truly scary offensive capabilities. Thanks to the Repent special action, the Living Covenant can automatically deal damage to enemies that get too close to one another, and unlike other abilities in the game that deal damage without making an attack, Repent can score you Scrap cards!
  •  This model is also playable in WARMACHINE & HORDES as a Protectorate solo.


  • Riot Quest The Living Covenant Hero Expansion contents:
  • 1x Specialist The Living Covenant Miniature
  • 1x Hero Start Card in englisch
  • 1x Riot Gear Card in englisch

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.

Aktualisiert am 17. April 2024 15:03
Kategorie: Schlagwort:



  • Hersteller: Privateer Press
  • Artikelnummer: PIP63065
  • EAN-Nummer: 8755820279182
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Riot Quest The Living Covenant Hero Expansion
  • The ancient scripture known as the Covenant of Menoth was a holy relic revered by those who worshipped the Creator of Man. In battles of old, an attendant would carry the massive tome on their back while a high priest read passages from the book, unleashing devastating miracles upon their foes.
  • When the world went to heck, the Covenant was nearly destroyed. Its pages were burning, and it would have been reduced to ash had it not been for the quick thinking of the attendant carrying the book on his back. That clever servant scoured the sheets in haste and found a passage forbidden to be read aloud except under the direst of circumstances.
  • As the passage was spoken, a miracle of soul binding occurred, and the servant was made one with the book. His spirit and vitality restored the burnt pages while also eternally tying his fate to the Covenant. Now, as the reborn Living Covenant, the holy words of Menoth are made manifest through sentient will. Loot gathered by this new entity is deposited in the coffers of old temple ruins. In time, the glory of Menoth will be restored by the Covenant’s hand, and even the sad scavengers of the wastelands will learn to kneel and pray once again.
  • The Living Covenant is a Specialist Hero with some truly scary offensive capabilities. Thanks to the Repent special action, the Living Covenant can automatically deal damage to enemies that get too close to one another, and unlike other abilities in the game that deal damage without making an attack, Repent can score you Scrap cards!
  •  This model is also playable in WARMACHINE & HORDES as a Protectorate solo.


  • Riot Quest The Living Covenant Hero Expansion contents:
  • 1x Specialist The Living Covenant Miniature
  • 1x Hero Start Card in englisch
  • 1x Riot Gear Card in englisch

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.


Preisverlauf für Riot Quest The Living Covenant Hero Expansion Privateer Press PIP 63065


Aktueller Preis 15,90€ 17. April 2024
Höchster Preis 15,90€ 29. November 2023
Niedrigster Preis 15,90€ 29. November 2023
Seit 29. November 2023

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15,90€ 29. November 2023

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