Riot Quest Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Hero Expansion Privateer Press PIP 63067

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  • Hersteller: Privateer Press
  • Artikelnummer: PIP63067
  • EAN-Nummer: 8755820279328
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Riot Quest Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Hero Expansion
  • Widget’s curiosity about the mechanikal relics of the pre-blown-up world is insatiable. She loves to tinker with her own creations almost as much as she loves restoring broken pieces of tech to their former glory. There are few individuals wandering the ruins of Immoren today who can match her mathematic and engineering prowess.
  • When she discovered a buried and mostly intact Cyriss temple, her glee was obvious and incredibly, incredibly loud. Widget has spent months figuring out how all the strange clockwork creations function, fixing them and sending them out into the wild to do whatever it is they were built to do.
  • The discovery of the temple invigorated Widget’s adventurous nature, and now she seeks other lost sites in order to fix everything broken within, all while armed and armored with the latest spoils of her archeological escapades.
  • Widget is a Gunner Hero with great mobility and one of the most interesting attack abilities in the game. Like her older incarnation, Flight lets Widget move around the Arena without worrying too much about other models or obstacles getting in her way, while the Annihilation Equation on her ranged attack makes her a potent threat against various models throughout the Arena. Just make sure to brush up on your calculus.
  • This model is also playable in WARMACHINE & HORDES as a Mercenary solo that will work for Convergence, Crucible Guard, Cygnar, Khador, and the Protectorate. This model counts as a Convergence model while include in a Convergence army.


  • Riot Quest Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Hero Expansion contents:
  • 1x Gunner Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Miniature
  • 1x Hero Start Card in englisch
  • 1x Riot Gear Card in englisch

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.

Aktualisiert am 24. April 2024 15:24
Kategorie: Schlagwort:



  • Hersteller: Privateer Press
  • Artikelnummer: PIP63067
  • EAN-Nummer: 8755820279328
  • Zustand: Neuware, original verpackt


  • Riot Quest Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Hero Expansion
  • Widget’s curiosity about the mechanikal relics of the pre-blown-up world is insatiable. She loves to tinker with her own creations almost as much as she loves restoring broken pieces of tech to their former glory. There are few individuals wandering the ruins of Immoren today who can match her mathematic and engineering prowess.
  • When she discovered a buried and mostly intact Cyriss temple, her glee was obvious and incredibly, incredibly loud. Widget has spent months figuring out how all the strange clockwork creations function, fixing them and sending them out into the wild to do whatever it is they were built to do.
  • The discovery of the temple invigorated Widget’s adventurous nature, and now she seeks other lost sites in order to fix everything broken within, all while armed and armored with the latest spoils of her archeological escapades.
  • Widget is a Gunner Hero with great mobility and one of the most interesting attack abilities in the game. Like her older incarnation, Flight lets Widget move around the Arena without worrying too much about other models or obstacles getting in her way, while the Annihilation Equation on her ranged attack makes her a potent threat against various models throughout the Arena. Just make sure to brush up on your calculus.
  • This model is also playable in WARMACHINE & HORDES as a Mercenary solo that will work for Convergence, Crucible Guard, Cygnar, Khador, and the Protectorate. This model counts as a Convergence model while include in a Convergence army.


  • Riot Quest Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Hero Expansion contents:
  • 1x Gunner Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Miniature
  • 1x Hero Start Card in englisch
  • 1x Riot Gear Card in englisch

Die hier angebotenen Modelle werden zerlegt und unbemalt ausgeliefert.


Preisverlauf für Riot Quest Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Hero Expansion Privateer Press PIP 63067


Aktueller Preis 11,50€ 24. April 2024
Höchster Preis 15,90€ 29. November 2023
Niedrigster Preis 11,50€ 3. Januar 2024
Seit 29. November 2023

Letzte Preisänderung

11,50€ 3. Januar 2024
15,90€ 29. November 2023

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Preisalarm für Riot Quest Widget Mathlete Archaeologist Hero Expansion Privateer Press PIP 63067 - 11,50€


Privateer Press
